Saturday Vigil Mass: 4:00 pm
Sunday Mass: 8:30 am & 11am
2nd Sunday 1:15 pm (in Igbo) 3rd Sunday 1:15 (in French)
Weekday Masses
In the Church
Monday: 10 a.m. Thursday: 10 a.m.
Wednesday Bible Study: 6 p.m.
First Friday Holy Hour/Adoration:6pm to 7pm
Sacrament of Reconciliation
Saturday: 3-3:45 p.m. Sunday: 7:30 a.m.-8:15 a.m.
Sunday: 10 a.m.-10:45 a.m Or by appointment
Sacrament of Baptism
Please register for Infant Baptism at the Parish Office prior. The baptism preparation class is held on the First Saturday of each month. Baptism takes place every First Sunday after the 11 a.m. Mass. Please call the parish office for more information.
To see our full calendar of events, please click here.
To read the weekly bulletin, please click here.
Father Cornelius Ejiogu keeps an active blog. Read the Blog posts here.
May God bless and reward you for your generosity. Donate Here.
To learn more about our active parish ministries, please click here.
For information about receiving sacrament and sacramental prep, please click here.
At St. Luke’s parish, our team is here for you. Meet our parish team.